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Tel: 530-763-3869

The IonExchange System is for those who desire the best - it is the fastest and strongest ionic detox system available to help you in your journey towards health!


Users of the IonExchange Detox System report:

  • More energy throughout the day

  • A better night's sleep

  • A stronger immune system response to illnesses and diseases


And relief from:

  • Muscle pain

  • Joint pain

  • Candida

  • Arthritis

  • Diabetes

  • Low Energy Levels

  • Allergies

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Sleeplessness

  • Poor concentration

  • Eczema and psoriasis

  • Chemical Toxicity

  • Lupus

  • CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

  • Gout

  • Edema

  • Arthritis

  • Parasites

  • Candida

  • and more...


Every person is different but the principles of detoxification are the same. It's simple: detox your body and feel the difference!

"The health benefits of negative ions are well known, and their unique properties are what makes an ionic footbath so effective. When water is ionized and split into H+ and OH- ions, these ions are able to enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of the feet. A detox footbath offers a way to utilize this opportunity to revitalize and cleanse yourself with all-natural mechanisms.


At this stage, the circulatory and lymphatic systems transport the ions throughout the body. The ions from the footbath neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells that are normally slow to exit the body. In this way, all the body's organs can become energized and stimulated to function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through its normal processes of urination, defecation and sweating."


An Ionic Footbath stimulates all the organs in your body, as they are ALL connected to your feet through the nervous system.

There are more sweat glands in your feet than anywhere else on your body. An Ionic Footbath stimulates the 2,000 sweat glands in EACH foot, encouraging detox of accumulated toxins in the body from more than 4,000 pores.

Best results come with multiple sessions. You will most likely notice positive changes within a just few sessions.

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