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What Others Are Saying 

The ions produced in the water happened much faster than the one at the spa. I know the water may contribute to the colors as the water is ionized and with that said there were so many more colors and darker. At about 18 minutes into the session with your machine….(right after I switched the switch) my head felt lighter/clearer. That night I slept through the night (that never happens). The next night I woke one time but slept more soundly than normal. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the machine but I lost  some weight AND I suspect this does have something to do with the machine….my hands/joints/fingers did not hurt for the first time in  years. None of these ‘effects’ happened with the spa machine…. I love the machine and thank you so very much.

Boo of Cardinal, VA

We received and started using our IonExchange Foot Bath approximately 5-6 weeks ago.  My Daughter (20), Son (19) and I were all diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease approximately 3 years ago.  My Son also lives his life with a vaccine injury (autism).  Life has been a daily struggle and just 6 short months ago we were homebound, sick and not functioning.  Since the addition of the IonExchange foot bath I have noticed several amazing blessings.  First we have more energy.  My son is now taking us on 2 hour walking expeditions which he hasn’t done in years.  My daughter says she just feels better.  But the best part is, after a couple of years of quiet, I hear my son’s voice again.  He is talking, singing and smiling a lot more.   I can’t wait to see what changes we will see in the coming months.  I would love to update it as we continue.

Carlene of Wisconsin


“WOW! What a difference compared to my previous arrays”

d***8 ( 462 )             Rogers AR       


My experience with IonExchange Ionic Detox Foot Bath. It has been an excellent purchase. It has perform exactly as it has been shown. I'm impressed with the Array as well, it has a long life span that helps detox. I'm very gracious for your prompt and courteous amiable service since the day I purchase until the expected date I receive it at home. For anyone looking for a high quality American made Ion Foot Detox I recommend it. I have been given a form to fill within 30 days of shipment arrival to send by mail for a 2 year warranty. I love this lovely machine! And I thank you IonExchange Staff whom may be address. God bless you all keep on making good quality arrays and Ion detox machines. From a satisfied customer."

m***a ( 17 )           Los Angeles, CA 90013-1786


"I was very skeptical about buying one of these foot baths. I did my research and read many reviews, both positive and negative. I’m very toxic with heavy metals, diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I just finished my 4th treatment and feeling less achy and stuff. Great product and very easy to use. A plus with 2-year warranty and made in the USA"

3***7 ( 26 )           Miami  FL 33157


Wow! I am just blown away! If I can give you 10 out of 5 stars, I would! It works exactly as described. I have already spoken with several people who are willing to try it. Thank
you! P.S. I just saw hell in a bucket...

 o***m ( 182 )      Chicago IL  60641-3080


I have had knee problems and joint issues from being a athlete. I felt like my health have been going down hill because of all the stress I had going on. I finally decided to take things in my own hands. Then I purchased the " IonExchange " unit. After the first treatment that night I felt a big difference of change in my knee. It was definitely embarrassing of all the toxins that comes out. But its for the better after about the third treatment. I was feeling lighter and felt more energy than I felt in a while. I even noticed the difference in sleep I slept deeper and I woke up and wasn’t tired. I highly recommend this machine. The questions I had the staff was very knowledgeable about products and answered all of my questions. I’m confident this will help me in a major way along my football career.

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